Saturday, July 30, 2011

This is the Whole Enchilada. Seriously.

First, an update on re-formatting. You may notice that there are a bunch of beautiful new tabs in a neat row along the top of this blog as well as a nice little list of links in the right sidebar beneath my muse. If you haven't noticed them yet, feel free to take a moment and look them up and down. I am hoping they will make navigation through this blog and its attached projects a bit simpler. Here's a list of what they do and why they're special:

Home - You are here. This is where posts like this one are filed and you'll find the most recent updates.

Upcoming Projects - This tab contains a tentative list of, you guessed it, my upcoming projects.

Companion Project - This links directly to this blog's twin. I won't be able to put the entirety of each individual novel on this blog, only excerpts, however, all (or almost all) of them will appear in this WEbook project.

Muses - This tab is an archive of things that inspire me. As the quotation in the sidebar changes, the removed quotation will appear beneath this tab. I am also compiling a playlist of writing music which will take up residence here as well.

Current Project - Right now this tab links directly to my WEbook project The Plague Master because that is the project which is my highest priority at the moment. As that changes, the tab will link to whatever project takes its place.

And basically everything that isn't included directly in those tabs is present in the sidebar linklist - my NaNo profile, my 2010 NaNo project, my WEbook profile, etc.

Second, something to look forward to: I've decided to introduce a project the month before I officially begin work on it which means you may expect and introduction to Reah on August first. These introductions will include a tagline and synopsis (such as you would find on a dust jacket) as well as any notes I have on the origins of the idea and/or any character or setting sketches I have done in preparation for the project.

And finally, I have to thank my mom really quickly. I know that she likes blogs that showcase crafters and creatives, but I really appreciate her taking the time to follow mine as well as recommending it to all her friends. Thank you for your support, Mom. I know I don't usually seem to be grateful for it, or to even like it, but I really am. Thanks for all you do.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww... what a Nicey Melinda! (A character from one of my other favorite authors...)
